Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning, Fraud Detection, Time Serie.
Vincent Lemaire is a data scientist and a research project manager in the area "Data Analytics and Knowledge" in the research domain "Data and Knowledge"
at Orange Labs, France. He obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Paris 12 in signal processing and was in the same period an Electronic Teacher.
He obtained a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Paris 6 in 1999. He thereafter joined the R&D Division of Orange (France Telecom), where he became a
senior expert in data-mining. He obtained his Research Accreditation (HDR) in Computer Science from the University of Paris-Sud 11 (Orsay) in 2008.
His research interests are the application of machine learning in various areas for telecommunication companies with an actual main application in data mining
for business intelligence, fraud detection, churn prediction. He has organized several machine learning workshops and competitions including the AISTATS
2010 challenge on Active Learning and the ECML PKDD 2012 challenge on Active Learning in Real-World Application, the KDD Cup 2009, ...
The main topic is machine lerning which is a part of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
AI is a vast and multidisciplinary field with the ultimate ambition of making machines, especially computer systems,
reproduce the cognitive skills that are normally the prerogative of the human being.
These cognitive skills include (but are not limited to) environment perception, knowledge representation,
learning, reasoning and problem solving. The main goal of AI research is to produce the technology to create such systems,
using many tools like mathematical optimization, neural networks, logic, statistics and machine learning (ML).