Special session (or
workshop) organization
- Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data at ECML 2023
- Atelier - Text Mine (TM) at EGC 2023
- Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data at ECML 2022
- Workshop on Interactive Adaptive Learning at ECML 2022
- Atelier - Text Mine (TM) at EGC 2022
- Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data at ECML 2021
- Workshop on Interactive Adaptive Learning at ECML 2021
- Atelier - Text Mine (TM) at EGC 2021
- Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data at ECML 2020
- Workshop on Interactive Adaptive Learning at ECML 2020
- Atelier - Text Mine (TM) at EGC 2020
- Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data at ECML 2019
- Workshop on Interactive Adaptive Learning at ECML 2019
- Atelier - Text Mine (TM) at EGC 2019
- Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data at ECML 2018
- Workshop on Interactive Adaptive Learning at ECML 2018
- Atelier - Text Mine (TM) at EGC 2018
- Workshop and Tutorial : Interactive Adaptive Learning at ECML 2017
- Workshop Active Learning: Applications, Foundations and Emerging Trends at IJCNN 2017
- Atelier - Text Mine (TM) at EGC 2017
- Workshop Active Learning: Applications, Foundations and Emerging Trends at iKnow 2016
- Atelier - Clustering and Co-clustering (CluCo) at EGC 2016
- Journée Clustering 2015
- Special Session Clustering and Co-clustering at IJCNN 2015
- Atelier - Clustering and Co-clustering (CluCo) at EGC 2015
- Incremental classification, concept drift and novelty detection (IClaNov) - ICDM
2014 [...]
- Workshop of the Discovery Challenge - ECML 2014
- Incremental learning and novelty detection methods and their applications - ESANN 2014
- Atelier - Clustering and Co-clustering (CluCo) at EGC
2014 [...]
- Incremental clustering, concept drift and novelty detection (IClaNov) - ICDM
2013 [...]
- Active Learning and Experimental Design (ALED) - IJCNN
2013 [...]
- Incremental classification and novelty detection (CIDN) -
EGC 2013 [...]
- Active Learning in Real-World Applications - (ALRA) -
ECML 2012 [...]
- Active and Incremental Learning (AIL) - ECAI 2012 [...]
- Incremental classification and novelty detection (CIDN) -
EGC 2012 [...]
- Active, Incremental and Autonomous Learning: Algorithms and
Applications - IJCNN 2012 [...]
- Workshop on Unsupervised and Transfer Learning (UTL) - ICML 2011 [...]
- Autonomous and Incremental Learning (AIL) - IJCNN 2011 [...]
- Active and Autonomous Learning (AAL) - IJCNN 2010 [...]
- Fast scoring on a Large Databse - KDD 2009 [...]
Challenge Organisation
- 2023 : Reconnaissance d'entités d'intérêts dans les signatures d'e-mails [...]
- 2016 : Un défi vert pour Grenoble [...]
- 2015 : AutoML challenge [...]
- 2014 : First Neural Connectomics Challenge: From imaging to connectivity
- 2013 : Cause-effect pairs challenge
- 2012 : Active Learning in Real-World Application [...]
- 2011 : Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge [...]
- 2010 : WCCI / AISTATS challenge - Active Learning [...]
- 2009 : KDD Cup : "Fast Scoring on a Large Database" [...]
- Chalearn
- Secretary and/or advisor [2011-present]
(French IEEE) : Senior Member [2009-present]
(French ECCAI) : Steering Comitee [2005-2014]
Editor (or Editorial Board)
- Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022, V. Lemaire et al. (Eds.): AALTD 2022, LNAI 13812
- Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021, V. Lemaire et al. (Eds.): AALTD 2021, LNAI 13114
- Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, V. Lemaire et al. (Eds.): AALTD 2020, LNAI 12588
- Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019, V. Lemaire et al. (Eds.): AALTD 2019, LNAI 11986
- JMLR W&P Volume 46 [...] - Challenge and workshop at ECML 2014
- JMLR W&P Volume 27 [...] and
CiML Volume 7 [...],
ICML 2011 Workshop on Unsupervised and Transfer Learning
- JMLR W&P Volume 16 [...]
and CiML Volume 6 [...],
Active Learning and Experimental Design Workshop
- JMLR W&P Volume 7 [...]
and CiML Volume 3 [...],
KDD-Cup 2009 competition
Program (or scientific)
Committee (since 2009)
- 2023 :
- (TKDD) ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data [...]
- (ECML) European Conference on Machine Learning [...]
- (ML) Machine Learning Journal [...]
- (IJCAI) International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence [...]
- (IJCNN) International Joint Conference on Neural Network [...]
- (EGC) EGC conference [...]
- 2022 :
- (ICDM) Workshop "IncrLearn" [...]
- (APIA)
- (ITISE) International conference on Time Series and Forecasting [...]
- (EGC) EGC conference [...] - Program Chair
- 2021 :
- (ICDM) Workshop "IncrLearn" [...]
- (APIA) [...]
- (ML) Machine Learning Journal [...]
- (IJCAI) International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence [...]
- (ITISE) International conference on Time Series and Forecasting [...]
- (EGC) EGC conference [...] - Program Chair
- 2020 :
- (ICDM) LITSA - Workshop on Large-scale Industrial Time Series Analysis [...]
- (ML) Machine Learning Journal [...]
- (ICDM) Workshop "IncrLearn" [...]
- (APIA) [...]
- (NeurIPS) Workshop "Challenges in Machine Learning” [...]
- (ECML) European Conference on Machine Learning [...]
- (EGC) EGC conference [...]
- 2019 :
- (NeurIPS) Workshop "Challenges in Machine Learning” [...]
- (SFC) [...]
- (APIA) [...]
- (ICML) Workshop on Automated Machine Learning [...]
- (ECML) European Conference on Machine Learning [...]
- (NeurIPS) Competition Track NeurIPS2019 Conference [...]
- (EvoLearn) Evolutionary classification and clustering, concept drift, novelty detection
- (EGC) EGC conference [...]
- 2018 :
- (NeurIPS) Workshop "Challenges in Machine Learning” [...]
- (ECML) European Conference on Machine Learning [...]
- (SFC) Congrès de la Société Francophone de Classification [...]
- (KDD) data science, data mining, knowledge discovery [...]
- (IJCNN) "Concept Drift, Domain Adaptation and Learning in Non-Stationary Environments" [...]
- (EGC) EGC conference [...]
- 2017 :
- (NIPS) Workshop "Challenges in Machine Learning” [...]
- (KDD) KDD Anomaly Detection in Finance Workshop [...]
- (ECML) European Conference on Machine Learning [...]
- (SFC) Congrès de la Société Francophone de Classification [...]
- (IJCNN) "Concept Drift, Domain Adaptation and Learning in Non-Stationary Environments" [...]
- (EGC) EGC conference [...]
- 2016 :
- (NIPS) Workshop "Machine Learning for Spatiotemporal Forecasting" [...]
- (NIPS) Workshop "Challenges in Machine Learning” [...]
- (AALT) ECML/PKDD Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data [...]
- (ACM) Multimedia Search and Recommendation [...]
- (ADAC) Journal Advances in Data Analysis and Classification [...]
- (ECML) European Conference on Machine Learning [...]
- (CNIA) National Conference on I. A. [...]
- (EGC) Exhibition session + Challenge : EGC conference [...]
- 2015 :
- (NIPS) Workshop CiML (Challenges in Machine Learning) [...]
- (SoCPaR) Special Session Incremental Machine Learning [...]
- (ECML) Workshop "Data Analytics and learning on temporal data" [...]
- (ECML) European Conference on Machine Learning (DEMO) [...]
- (IDA) International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis [...]
- (SFC) Journées de la Société Francophone de Classification [...]
- (NCTA) International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
- (IJCNN) International Workshop on Advances in Learning from/with Multiple Learners [...]
- (IJCNN) International Joint Conference on Neural Network
- (EGC) Exhibition session of the EGC conference
- 2014 :
- (NIPS) Workshop CiML (Challenges in Machine Learning)[...]
- (NIPS) Workshop AutoML - NIPS (info about AutoML)
- (ICONIP) International Conference on Neural Information Processins
- (NCTA) International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
- (IJCNN)International Workshop on Advances in Learning from/with Multiple Learners
- Neuralcomputing
- (CAP) Conférence sur l'apprentissage (CAP)
- 2013 :
- (NIPS) Workshop on causality [...]
- (ECML) Real-World Challenges for Data Stream Mining at ECML [...]
- (ASSA) Atelier Apprentissage Semi-Supervisé et Applications [...]
- (AIAI) Learning Strategies and Data Processing in Nonstationary Environments(LEAPS) [...]
- (IJCNN) Special Session "Intelligent Embedded Systems" [...]
- (HPDIC) International Workshop on High Performance Data Intensive Computing [...]
- (SSCI) Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence [...]
- (IJCNN) International Conference on Neural Network
- 2012 :
- Special Issue on Real World Data Mining Applications, of Springer's Annals of Information Systems [...]
- (ECML) European Conference on Artificial Intelligence [...]
- (JNSM) Journal of Network and System Management [...]
- Incremental clustering, concept drift management and novelty detection techniques and their application to intelligent analysisof time varying information" [...] IEA/AIE
- (JMLR) Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
- (IJCNN) International Conference on Neural Network
- (CAP) Conférence sur l'apprentissage
- 2011 :
- Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)
- (IWANN) International Work-conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks [...]
- (ICML) International Conference on Machine Learning : Workshop UTL [...]
- (JMLR) Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
- (IJCNN) International Conference on Neural Network
- 2010 :
- Telecommunication Systems: (TS)
- Journal of Machine Learning Research
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)
- Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML): [...]
- Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
- Conférence sur l'apprentissage (CAP)
- 2009 :
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)
- Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML): [...]
- Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
- International Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN)
- Conférence sur l'apprentissage (CAP)